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How to Knowing a Lipoma Risk Factors, Is Cancer Curable

How to Knowing a Lipoma  Risk Factors, Is Cancer Curable

Be aware that age can play a role in developing a lipoma tumor. These sorts of tumors generally show up on those who are between the ages of 40 and 60. If you are over 40, keep an eye out for these types of bumps.

However, it is good to keep in mind that lipoma can show up at any age. There’s just a higher risk of developing one of them after you pass the age of 40.

Determine whether you have conditions that make lipoma more likely. There are a few health issues that can increase your chances of developing lipoma. The health issues that are generally linked to lipoma include.

Bannayan-Riley-Ruvalcaba syndrome.

Madelung syndrome.

Adiposis dolorosa.

Cowden syndrome.

Gardner syndrome.

Research whether you have a history of lipoma in your family. Ask your parents and grandparents whether they have had any lipoma or if they know anyone else in the family who has. There is a link between the health conditions of your family members and your own health because lipoma can be linked to your genes.

For example, if your grandmother had lipoma, it is very possible that you will also develop it because you share your grandmother’s genes.

However, keep in mind that sporadic lipoma, which aren't genetic, are more common than genetic lipoma. That means you can still develop lipoma even if you don't have a family history.

Warning: Knowing that you have a history of lipoma in your family won't help you prevent getting one. However, it will let you know that a bump you get is likely this condition.

Assess areas where you get repeated injuries from contact sports. People who participate in sports where they get repeatedly hit in the same spot have a higher chance of developing lipoma tumors. For example, volleyball players can get them in the areas where they repeatedly hit the ball.

Treating Lipomas.

Talk to your doctor about getting steroid injections. This is the least invasive way of getting rid of lipomas. A mixture of steroids (triamcinolone acetonide and 1% lidocaine) is injected into the middle of your tumor. This will be done in your doctor's office and you will be able to go home directly afterword.

If the growth doesn’t go away within a month, the procedure can be done again until it does go away.

Get surgery to remove the tumor if it is large or is causing pain. The most effective way of getting rid of lipoma tumor is having it surgically removed. Generally, surgery is only reserved for tumors that have grown to roughly 3 centimetres (1.2 in) in size or that are causing you pain. When the tumor is right underneath your skin, a slight incision is made in your skin, the growth is removed, and then the wound is cleaned and patched up.

If the tumor is located in an organ, which is much more rare, then you will have to go under general anesthesia to have the tumor removed.

Lipomas usually will not grow back after being removed, but rarely they will return.

Look into liposuction as a form of treatment. The technique uses suction to remove the fatty tissue. A small incision is made on the bump and a suction tube is inserted to suck out the growth. This is typically an outpatient procedure done in a doctor's office or a hospital.

Generally, people who choose this option are wanting the tumor removed for aesthetic reasons. It is also used in cases where the growth is softer than normal.

Warning: Keep in mind that liposuction creates a small scar, but it will become barely visible after it is completely healed.

Use home remedies as a supplemental treatment for lipoma. There are a variety of herbs and supplements that are reported to reduce the size of lipomas. While there is not a lot of scientific research to show that they are effective, anecdotal first-hand experiences for home remedies include.

Chickweed - Buy a chickweed solution at your local pharmacy and take one teaspoon of the mixture three times a day, after meals.

Neem - Add this Indian herb to your meals or take a supplement daily.

Flaxseed oil - Apply the flaxseed oil directly on to the affected area three times a day.

Green tea - Drink a cup of green tea each day.

Turmeric - Take a turmeric supplement each day or apply a mixture of equal parts turmeric and oil to the bump daily.

Lemon juice - Add a squeeze of lemon juice to your beverages throughout the day.


It's important to see a doctor when you notice a lump of any kind, even if you think it is a relatively harmless lipoma tumor.