How to Care for Your Body when You Have Multiple Myeloma, Is Cancer Curable | CANCER IS, IS CANCER CURABLE -->

How to Care for Your Body when You Have Multiple Myeloma, Is Cancer Curable

How to Care for Your Body when You Have Multiple Myeloma.

Aside from receiving regular treatment for multiple myeloma from an experienced medical team, you are likely managing your pain with medication or other options. Make sure to care for your own body in other ways as well by taking steps to address the symptoms of the disease and the side effects of treatment. In particular, monitor your diet and consider making other helpful lifestyle changes.

Method 1 Addressing Symptoms and Side Effects.

1. Discuss persistent symptoms or side effects. Aside from the pain and other symptoms of the disease, you may suffer from side effects associated with your treatments. If a particular symptom or side effect is especially problematic, don’t hesitate to tell your doctor about it.

These conversations will help inform the treatment plan that you and your doctor pursue together.

While your bones may hurt quite often, be sure to mention it when one area of your body hurts more than usual. Since myeloma can weaken your bones, it’s important to be especially aware of potential injuries.

2. Report increased weakness and fatigue. One common symptom of myeloma is anemia, or a low red blood cell count. This can lead to feelings of tiredness or lethargy. While there are medications you may be taking to help fight anemia, the condition may worsen over time.

In addition to receiving regular blood tests as part of your treatment regimen, be sure to mention any drops in energy or physical vitality to your doctor.

3. Drink between two and three quarts (0.5-0.75 gallons) of water per day. Staying hydrated helps keep your kidneys working efficiently and improves their ability to resist damage. With myeloma, they’re working overtime to rid your blood of extra protein and calcium that are released by your bones.

Stated otherwise, drink at least 8 to 12 cups of water per day. This is even more important if you are having trouble eating.

Keep a water bottle with you at all times. This will help remind you to drink more often.

4. Seek treatment for a cold or fever immediately. Infections are a serious risk to those with an immune system that is weakened by myeloma. Accordingly, your health team needs to know whenever you experience signs of infection, such as a fever. They will likely prescribe antibiotics to rid your body of the infection as quickly as possible.

5. Ask plenty of questions about new treatment options. Whether you or your doctor are in favor of additional or different treatment options, it’s important to discuss them extensively. Ask questions like, “What are the specific benefits of this option?” and “Are there any side effects I should be aware of that are associated with this treatment?”

Method 2 Eating Healthy With Multiple Myeloma.

1. Meet with a dietitian to discuss your diet. You may need to adjust your diet at different stages in your recovery process. This is partly because the foods you will need to eat to aid in your recovery will be different from foods that are generally considered to be healthy.

Ask about particular foods and supplements you should be trying to eat more frequently, and which you should avoid. Make sure to talk to your doctor about all supplements, as well, before you begin taking them.

You will likely need to increase your consumption of protein and calories. For instance, you may be told to eat more eggs and dairy.

Talk about incorporating more green, high-fiber fruits like apples and pears, as well as whole grains, nuts, legumes, broccoli, carrots, and artichokes. Look for more iron-rich foods, as well, including lean meats, beans, and leafy greens.

Ask about avoiding foods like raw meat and fish, runny eggs, unpasteurized foods, and unwashed fruits and vegetables.

You may also need to eat foods with different consistencies. For instance, dishes with sauces and gravies may be easier to eat, and low-fiber foods may be preferable to high-fiber options.

2. Eat whenever you’re hungry. Especially during treatment periods, it’s important to eat to maintain your strength and rebuild damaged tissue. Unfortunately, it may be challenging to eat during these periods. In order to make sure you’re getting enough protein and calories, eat whenever you are inclined to do so.

Get in the habit of eating every morning, as this is the time of day you are most likely to have an appetite.

Liquid protein shakes are a great option for later in the day, especially on those days you struggle to eat.

If you can only stomach one or two different types of food, eat as much of them as you can.

If you can’t eat for a day or so, don’t worry. Do tell your doctor if you are unable to eat two days in a row.

3. Talk about any problems eating. Treatment for myeloma can lead to significant side effects in terms of your ability and desire to eat. For instance, you may lose your appetite and/or your sense of taste, you may have trouble chewing or swallowing, and you may have trouble keeping food down or other digestion issues. In order to stay on top of any dietary concerns, mention any trouble you have eating to your doctors as soon as it develops.

There are many different treatment options regarding appetite and digestion. Aside from traditional medication, ask your doctor about medical marijuana if it is legally available where you live. Many people, including some with myeloma, use marijuana to improve their appetite.

4. Stock your kitchen before treatments. You will likely be warned by your medical team about treatments that may affect your ability and motivation to eat. Preceding these treatments, stock up your kitchen with foods that will be easy to prepare and consume. Get plenty of whatever foods you are able to eat when you do not feel well.

Frozen dinners and ready-to-eat meals are good options to have on hand. Try to have both frozen and refrigerated options available at all times.

Make a large batch of a food you know you enjoy and store it in meal-sized portions.

5. Take care to prevent food-borne infection. You may be at greater risk of infection while receiving treatment. Accordingly, you will need to handle and prepare food extra carefully. In particular, refrigerate all leftovers and wash all raw foods extensively before eating them. Additionally, wash you hands and cooking utensils before and after preparing your food, especially meat.

Use separate cutting boards for meats and non-meat items. Carefully thaw frozen meat and cook thoroughly. Avoid raw seafood.

Ensure all beverages are pasteurized, and do not consume foods that are past their freshness date. Similarly, do not consume food that is allowed to mold, such as some cheeses.

Do not purchase foods from bulk bins, nor eat from buffets or salad bars.

Method 3 Creating Other Healthy Habits.

1. Try to treat your diagnosis as an opportunity to get healthier. Facing myeloma is a significant and life-changing challenge. However, you can respond to your cancer diagnosis by addressing aspects of your lifestyle that can be improved. If you are not in the habit of paying attention to your diet, level of activity, and other factors that affect your health, now may be the time to make some positive changes.

Caring for your body will not only make you feel better physically, it will also make you happier.

2. Cut back on alcohol and quit smoking. Some of the best lifestyle changes to start with are those that reduce harm upon your body. In particular, if you smoke, strongly consider stopping. There are many resources to help you do so. Similarly, cut back on drinking alcoholic beverages, especially if you have more than a few drinks per week.

Ask any member of your medical team about how to quit smoking, or look online for information and other types of support from organizations like the American Cancer Society.

3. Exercise regularly. The benefits of physical exercise are impossible to overstate. Not only will exercise improve your cardiovascular health, it will strengthen your body and help you maintain a healthy weight. It can also help improve your mood and overall outlook. Exercising will even help you feel like you have more energy by reducing the fatigue you feel.

The specific amount of exercise that’s right for you depends on your personal fitness level.

If you haven’t exercised much in the past but want to get started, begin by taking a walk everyday. Walk at whatever pace you are able for as long as you can, and increase the pace or duration of your walk every week or so.

Keep your medical team in the loop regarding your exercise plans, especially when you intend to change them.

4. Get enough sleep. Proper sleep helps support your immune system, so it is important to make sure you get adequate sleep every night. An adult should aim for seven to nine hours of sleep every night.

5. Wash your hands. Multiple myeloma makes it more difficult for your body to fight infection. Washing your hands, then, is an important precaution against infection-causing microorganisms. Wash your hands regularly after using the restroom, handling food, or any other situation where you may encounter a higher risk of coming into contact with potentially harmful germs.

6. Build a social support system. Your body’s health and well-being is often associated with your mental health. Not only will you face day-to-day stresses having to do with treatment, potential issues may upset you more than you expect. The best way to keep from dwelling on the negative and stressful aspects of your condition is by maintaining an active social support system.

Support can come from all sorts of sources. Your family and friends will want to help, and you should let them.

For instance, recruit a different person to cook with for each day of the week, or find a family member that can exercise with you regularly.

Maintain your participation in any social groups you are a part of, whether they are recreational, spiritual, or educational.

7. Join a multiple myeloma support group. Speaking with others who are in a similar situation as you can be incredibly helpful. This will give you the opportunity to share your feelings with others who know what you’re going through. You may also find helpful resources through others in your support group.

These groups meet in person and online. Ask a doctor or therapist about where to find a support group, or search for one online.

8. Speak with someone one-on-one. You may benefit from having someone who you can talk to about how you are feeling. For some, this may be a close friend or family member. For others, the ability to talk to a mental health professional, such as a therapist, can help calm you down and provide you with advice about handle day-to-day emotional challenges.